Sunday, September 8, 2013
Sunday, September 8, 2013 by DXTR corporation
Obama’s Battle for Syria Votes, Taut and Uphill
Published: September 7, 2013
WASHINGTON — Each morning for the last week, at 7:45, more than a dozen
White House aides have mustered in the corner office of President
Obama’s chief of staff, Denis R. McDonough, to get their marching orders
for what has become the most intense, uphill lobbying campaign of the
Obama presidency.
Alex Wong/Getty Images
Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, and Dianne
Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, before a
closed briefing on Friday.
Kerry and French Foreign Minister Appeal Together for Strike Against Syria (September 8, 2013)
Obama Falls Short on Wider Backing for Syria Attack (September 7, 2013)
J. Scott Applewhite/Associated Press
Tony Blinken, far left, the deputy national security
adviser, headed to a meeting with lawmakers Friday.
The White House’s goal is to persuade Congress to authorize a limited
military strike against Syria to punish it for a deadly chemical weapons
attack. But after a frenetic week of wall-to-wall intelligence
briefings, dozens of phone calls and hours of hearings with senior
members of Mr. Obama’s war council, more and more lawmakers, Republican
and Democrat, are lining up to vote against the president.
Officials are guardedly optimistic about the Senate, but the blows keep
coming. On Saturday, Senator Mark Pryor, Democrat of Arkansas, perhaps
the most endangered incumbent up for re-election, came out against the
authorization to use force.
In the House, the number of rank-and-file members who have declared that
they will oppose or are leaning against military action is approaching
218, the point of no return for the White House. Getting them to reverse
their positions will be extremely difficult.
Administration officials say publicly that they are not rattled by such
grim vote counts. The debate, they say, will only be fully engaged this
week, when Congress returns from recess and Mr. Obama is back from his
trip to Sweden and Russia. On Tuesday night, he will lay out his case
for a strike to the nation in a speech from the White House.
“It’s too early to jump to any conclusions on where the House or Senate
is,” Mr. McDonough said in an interview on Friday. “The effort will only
intensify next week.”
To improve its odds, the White House is enlisting virtually every senior
official from the president on down. In addition to members of
Congress, it is reaching out to Jewish groups, Arab-Americans,
left-leaning think tanks and even officials from the George W. Bush
administration, some of whom are acting as surrogates. It is also
getting help from the nation’s most powerful pro-Israel group, the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee, which is mounting its own
campaign for military action.
The White House and its allies in Congress differ on how the
administration handled the first week of the campaign. Administration
officials said they succeeded in dispelling doubts about whether the
forces of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, carried out the chemical weapons attack on the outskirts of Damascus on Aug. 21 that they say left more than 1,400 people dead.
“We set a goal this week of making sure people understood the facts of
the case,” Mr. McDonough said Friday. “No one with whom I’ve spoken
doubts the intelligence. We’re not really debating the veracity of the
central charge.”
But people on Capitol Hill said the White House’s initial case for
action proved unpersuasive, particularly in the hearings with Secretary
of State John Kerry, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and the chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey.
Lawmakers came away believing that General Dempsey projected an image of
military reluctance, that Mr. Hagel seemed occasionally unsure of
himself, and that Mr. Kerry exuded a characteristic air of confidence
that some members appreciated and others chafed at.
Aides to Congressional Democratic leaders said Saturday that videos of
the aftermath of the chemical weapons attack outside Damascus, showing
civilians lying on the ground in convulsions, have been shown to
lawmakers in classified briefings open only to members of Congress.
Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, the chairwoman of the Senate
Intelligence Committee, posted the videos on the committee’s Web site on Saturday for the public to see.
The next phase of the campaign will be more individualized, and more
from Mr. Obama himself. Democrats who are balking are being asked at
least to vote against Republican procedural moves meant to delay or
derail an up-or-down vote. After all the arguments are exhausted, aides
said, it will come down to a personal pitch: the president needs you to
save him from a debilitating public defeat.
But first, advisers said, the president needs to explain to the public
in his speech on Tuesday why Syria is not another Iraq.
“Right now, to most of the country, this seems like a simple question
of, ‘Is Congress going to vote to start another war?’ ” said David
Plouffe, a former senior adviser to Mr. Obama who, like other veterans
of his 2008 campaign, was back in the West Wing last week. “Tuesday
night and other opportunities can help fill in the picture for people
about both the rationale and limited nature of the response.”
On the day the president is speaking, the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee plans to blanket Capitol Hill with 250 advocates, having
already contacted dozens of lawmakers to urge them to support a strike.
Kerry and French Foreign Minister Appeal Together for Strike Against Syria (September 8, 2013)
Obama Falls Short on Wider Backing for Syria Attack (September 7, 2013)
The advocates will carry a simple message, according to a person
involved in the effort: Syria is a proxy for Iran, and the failure to
enforce Mr. Obama’s “red line” against the use of chemical weapons by
Mr. Assad will be interpreted in Tehran as a sign that he will not
enforce a red line against the production of nuclear weapons by the
Iranian government.
Israel itself is staying out of what it regards as a domestic American
political debate. But Michael B. Oren, the Israeli ambassador to the
United States, said he was telling any lawmaker who expressed fears that
Syria would attack Israel in retaliation for an American missile
strike: “Don’t worry about us. We can defend ourselves.”
Among the most visible surrogates could be Hillary Rodham Clinton, Mr.
Obama’s former secretary of state, who aides say is likely to address
Syria at one or both of two events this week: a previously scheduled
visit to the White House on Monday to promote wildlife conservation, and
a speech the next day in Philadelphia.
The White House is also putting officials, including the president,
before audiences and television cameras. Mr. Obama will tape
interviews on Monday with ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, PBS and CNN. Mr. McDonough
will appear on all five Sunday news programs, and on Monday the
national security adviser, Susan E. Rice, will address the New America
Foundation, a nonpartisan public policy institute.
The last time the White House lobbied this intensively on a single issue
was the 2009 health care law. But unlike that battle, which was largely
pitched to the Democratic ranks, the White House this time is also
appealing to Republicans. Administration officials note that in private
conversations, lawmakers repeatedly asked to have their voices heard on
The administration’s shift began taking shape late last week at
briefings for Congressional chiefs of staff and legislative directors.
At a bipartisan briefing that was well attended, Robert S. Ford, the
senior American envoy to the Syrian opposition, offered a frightening
picture of a Middle East with uncontrolled weapons of mass destruction,
aides who attended said.
Tailoring the pitch, the White House and Republican Congressional
leaders organized another briefing just for Republican staff members to
hear from Stephen Hadley, a former national security adviser to Mr.
Bush, and Eric S. Edelman, a former top aide to Vice President Dick
Mr. Edelman, in particular, focused on what Republican leaders have been
emphasizing: a broader context for the Syrian conflict that includes
Iran, loose weapons of mass destruction and the threat to Israel,
according to Republican aides.
On the Democratic side, Mr. McDonough met with the Congressional
Hispanic Caucus, while Ms. Rice met with the Congressional Black Caucus,
whose loyalty might be crucial.
On Friday, Mr. McDonough and Representative Nancy Pelosi of California,
the minority leader, held a conference call with Democratic freshmen.
Some Democrats have been invited to the Situation Room to meet with Vice
President Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Leaders in both parties say that there is a narrow window to win over or
change enough votes to secure passage of the authorization, but that
window may close before Mr. Obama’s speech.
Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the House majority leader, wrote an opinion article for The Richmond Times-Dispatch explaining his support
for a strike in terms that could sway other Republicans — namely that
it could combat the influence of Iran and Hezbollah.
But aides say there was a reason Mr. Cantor chose his hometown
newspaper: He had to reach his own constituents, who, like most
Americans, are opposed to military action.
Representative Jason Chaffetz, Republican of Utah, called on Mr. Cantor
to hear his position but emerged leaning toward no. “I don’t see how
they do that now,” he said of winning authorization. “They may be able
to squeak it out. But at best it’s going to be razor thin.”
Source:The New York Times
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September 8, 2013 at 1:20 PM
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