Friday, January 10, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014 by DXTR corporation
Falluja’s Fall Stuns Marines Who Fought There
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Banotai was a 21-year-old sergeant and squad leader in the Marine Corps
during the 2004 invasion of Falluja, a restive insurgent-held city in
Iraq. His unit — which had seven of 17 men wounded by shrapnel or
bullets in the first days of the invasion — seized control of the
government center early in the campaign.
when Sunni insurgents, some with allegiances to Al Qaeda, retook the
city this month and raised their black insurgent flag over buildings
where he and his men fought, he was transfixed, disbelieving and
texted a couple of friends,” said Mr. Banotai, now a firefighter and
registered nurse in Pennsylvania. “Everyone was in disbelief.”
don’t think anyone had the grand illusion that Falluja or Ramadi was
going to turn into Disneyland, but none of us thought it was going to
fall back to a jihadist insurgency,” he said. “It made me sick to my
stomach to have that thrown in our face, everything we fought for so
blatantly taken away.”
The bloody mission to wrest Falluja from insurgents in November 2004 meant more to the Marines
than almost any other battle in the 12 years of war in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Many consider it the corps’ biggest and most iconic fight
since Vietnam, with nearly 100 Marines and soldiers killed in action and
hundreds more wounded.
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many veterans of that battle — most now working in jobs long removed
from combat — watching insurgents running roughshod through the streets
they once fought to secure, often in brutal close-quarters combat, has
shaken their faith in what their mission achieved.
now blame President Obama for not pushing harder to keep some troops in
Iraq to maintain the stability. Others express anger at George W. Bush
for getting them into a war that they now view as dubious in purpose and
even more doubtful in its accomplishments. But either way, the fall of
the city to insurgents has set off within the tight-knit community of
active and former Marines a wrenching reassessment of a battle that in
many ways defined their role in the war.
is just the beginning of the reckoning and accounting,” said Kael
Weston, a former State Department political adviser who worked with the
Marines for nearly three years in Falluja and the surrounding Anbar
Province, and later with Marines in Afghanistan.
Weston, who is now writing a book but remains in close contact with
scores of the men he served with, said Marines across the globe had been
frenetically sharing their feelings about the new battle for Falluja
via email, text and Facebook.
news went viral in the worst way,” he said. “This has been a gut punch
to the morale of the Marine Corps and painful for a lot of families who
are saying, ‘I thought my son died for a reason.’ ”
Sparks was a platoon commander during a seven-month Falluja deployment
in which three men were killed and 57 wounded in his 90-man unit. Now
about to take a job in Manhattan after recently leaving the Marines, Mr.
Sparks, 39, said many of the younger Falluja veterans are angry
“because we lost so many Marines, and it feels like they were sacrificed
for nothing.”
even among older officers who seem less surprised by the turn of
events, Mr. Sparks said, “It hurts to think that it isn’t as important
to Americans as it was to us while it was happening.”
likens Falluja to Khe Sanh, the bloody 1968 battle where Americans
triumphed only to abandon the base months later, though he did not
disagree with the 2011 troop pullout and does not believe that American
troops should be sent back in.
“This makes the analogy complete,” he said.
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Banotai has no regrets about supporting the war, and said it was a
mistake for the United States to withdraw troops when it did, which he
believes was done for political reasons, not because the mission was
accomplished. But he also would not favor sending troops back. “It’s too
late. Mistakes have already been made,” he said. “We can’t go back and
rewrite history.”
the few things that kept 19-year-old Pfc. James Cathcart going during
his second combat tour was flirting with female Marines who would come
through his base in Falluja after their job searching Iraqi women at a
nearby checkpoint. Yet that memory — of one woman in particular — haunts
him: Mr. Cathcart’s platoon rushed to respond to an attack in June 2005
to find the truck ferrying the women to their base engulfed in flames
from a car bomb.
wanted to get with that girl, and then the next day I was seeing pieces
of her all over the side of the road,” said Mr. Cathcart, now 28, who
says he was discharged with post-traumatic stress disorder and is now
unemployed in Colorado.
said that the fall of Falluja might finally bring home to the public
what he says he and many comrades had long believed about the war.
“Lives were wasted, and now everyone back home sees that,” he said. “It
was irresponsible to send us over there with no plan, and now to just
give it all away.”
the Marine Corps, officers are struggling to respond to calls from
wounded veterans and parents of Marines killed in Anbar about recent
events in Falluja.
is a rising drumbeat of anxiety/angst among our Marines concerning the
state of Falluja/Ramadi today,” one senior active duty officer wrote as
part of an email chain circulating among Marine officers discussing how
to respond to the inquiries they were receiving from Marines and their
families about Falluja. The officer cited what he called the Marines’
success in helping foster the Awakening movement
— where local tribesmen turned against jihadists and partnered with
American forces — and said that “without these victories, we might still
be there today.”
officer added: “What the Iraqi forces lost in the last month, four
years after transition, is not a reflection of Marine efforts. If it is a
reflection of anything, it is the nature of the Iraqi social fabric and
long-suppressed civil discord.”
of the last things Matthew Brown, a 20-year-old lance corporal when he
was wounded the third day of the invasion, remembers about Falluja was
seeing Mr. Banotai help load him into a vehicle. Given last rites
because he lost so much blood after a sniper shot him in the leg, he
awoke a week later at Bethesda Naval Hospital, and began the long
process of learning to walk again, which he now does with a cane. Seeing
pictures this week of insurgent-held Falluja, he said, was
just like, wow, thanks for dragging up all these memories I tried to
forget that were controlling my life,” said Mr. Brown, 29, who now lives
in Fayetteville, N.C. “For a while I lived out of a bottle trying to
shut the memories off.”
he would not send troops back, Mr. Weston, the former State Department
official, said it was “almost immoral for us to say, ‘It’s all up to
them now, we’re out of there.’ ” He noted that a man whom he had worked
with in Falluja recently sent him an email describing the return of
Abdullah al-Janabi, an insurgent leader before the Marines invaded.
“We are looking for help,” the man wrote on Jan. 1. Mr. Weston has not heard from his friend since Saturday.
Source:The New York Times
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